5 Tips For A Spooky Yet Safe Halloween

Who’s up for a little Halloween thrill without frightening your wallet? We’re all about embracing the spooky fun of Halloween while ensuring it’s a safe and budget-friendly celebration. If that sounds appealing, these money-saving electricity tips are right up your haunted alley!


Preparing Your Home for a Drain Cleaning Service

Drains play a crucial role in maintaining the integrity of your home. They channel water away, effectively reducing the risk of troublesome issues like condensation and the development of mold and mildew. Handyside professional drain cleaning removes the clogs that can impair the efficiency of drains. To ensure a successful service, we’ve compiled some essential tips to help you prepare for the arrival of our drain cleaning team at your home.


Top 4 Tips for Furnace Maintenance

Your furnace works hard to keep your home warm. In fact, you might run your furnace more often than your car! Just like your car needs maintenance and care, your furnace deserves the same attention. While a typical furnace can last around 20 years (15 to 30 years depending on the manufacturer), it’s essential to treat it well to ensure it reaches its full potential. Here are five valuable tips to help your furnace keep your home cozy for as long as possible. (more…)

5 Predictors of a Fire Hazard in Your Home Electronics

The majority of fires stem from wiring malfunctions within homes or businesses. To help ensure your safety, here are FIVE warning signs that indicate the need for a thorough wiring inspection. (more…)

Quick Fixes For A Gurgling Kitchen Sink

Dealing with a sink full of dishes left by the family can be frustrating, but when you’ve finally conquered the pile and the sink gurgles back at you, it can be downright maddening! Ever wondered why your kitchen drain is making those mysterious noises? Let’s explore what’s causing it and how you can put an end to the gurgling once and for all. (more…)

Winter is Coming, Is Your HVAC System Ready?

Fall is here… Winter is coming… will your home stay warm and cozy through it all? The key to a comfortable home during the changing seasons lies in a well-maintained HVAC system.  After all, you invested in a furnace or HVAC system, so the following article will help you maximize your investment! You can enjoy a warm, worry-free home throughout the fall and winter when you use our ‘Handy’ tips to maintain your HVAC system.


Definitely Not DIY

There are several home-related tasks that are generally safe to tackle, such as clearing leaves from the eaves or fixing fences. However, when it comes to electrical work, there are certain tasks that should never be attempted without proper expertise. Below, we’ll outline some of these electrical jobs and the reasons why you should stop and consider professional help from Handyside before starting one. (more…)

Here’s How to Keep Your Drains Healthy and Clog-Free

While it might be called a garbage disposal, it’s important to note that not all kinds of ‘garbage’ should find their way down it. Feeding the wrong items into it can lead to bad smells, stubborn clogs, or even damage. While soft leftovers, vegetable scraps, and fruit peels are fair game for your disposal, here’s a list of 13 items that are better suited for your green bin, compost pile, or regular trash container. (more…)