Who’s up for a little Halloween thrill without frightening your wallet? We’re all about embracing the spooky fun of Halloween while ensuring it’s a safe and budget-friendly celebration. If that sounds appealing, these money-saving electricity tips are right up your haunted alley! Lights The type of lights we choose can have a significant impact on […]

Who’s up for a little Halloween thrill without frightening your wallet? We’re all about embracing the spooky fun of Halloween while ensuring it’s a safe and budget-friendly celebration. If that sounds appealing, these money-saving electricity tips are right up your haunted alley!

halloween safety guide videoLights

The type of lights we choose can have a significant impact on our power consumption. If you’re using older lights and displays, those bulbs are likely gobbling up more energy compared to their modern counterparts. An easy fix is to consider switching to LEDs, which are incredibly energy-efficient, using about 90% less power than traditional incandescent bulbs.

Moreover, you can also make a small energy-saving change by keeping your indoor lights off while illuminating your outdoor displays. It’s a subtle signal to potential trick-or-treaters that you’re open for business. Every bit of energy saved counts, even if it’s just a little step in the right direction!

Turn It Off

Avoid leaving your Halloween lights or inflatable decorations running throughout the night. Not only can you not appreciate their spooky charm during the dark hours, but it also poses safety concerns. Furthermore, the costs can add up when they’re operating when no one is around to enjoy them.

If you’re fond of having them on into the night or prefer falling asleep to the enchanting glow of your outdoor display (complemented by the eerie laughter from your graveyard scene), consider investing in a timer. There’s a variety of timers available on the market, allowing you to set precisely when you want your lights to illuminate and when you’d like them to fade into the darkness.


Prior to decking out your place with lights and festive decorations, take a moment to carefully examine each light strand and power cord. Check for any signs of damage, fraying, or tears. It’s a vital safety step to ensure your setup is hazard-free.

Additionally, ensure you’re using outdoor extension cords for your outdoor lighting arrangements. Indoor cords aren’t designed to withstand the outdoor elements and wear and tear.

Be mindful of where you position your cords and wires. Avoid having them stretch across your driveway, walkway, sidewalk, or stairs. Especially with kids in masks and limited visibility, they might not always spot these potential tripping hazards in their path. Safety first, both for trick-or-treaters and your decor!

light up halloween safely

Flammable Supplies

Halloween decorations often involve a host of flammable materials, such as hay bales, cotton sheets, wooden displays, and even candles. These combinations can create potentially dangerous situations. To ensure safety, if you’re using highly flammable materials, it’s essential to keep your electrical wires and outlets at a safe distance from them.

Moreover, it’s wise to opt for battery-powered candles inside your pumpkins rather than traditional, open flames. Electric candles provide the same atmospheric glow without the associated risks and heat. It’s a small change that can make a significant difference in safeguarding your Halloween decor.

Don’t Go Overboard

Embracing minimalism can be a powerful approach to decorating. Sometimes, less is more. A few well-placed lights, a couple of jack-o’-lanterns, a skeletal figure, or a handful of other creative touches can work wonders in enhancing the Halloween atmosphere for the kids in your neighborhood and among your friends.

It’s crucial to be mindful of the potential electrical challenges associated with a surplus of lights or powered devices. Overloading your fuses can lead to potentially dangerous electrical shorts within your home. If you’re set on having an abundance of powered decorations, it’s essential to be aware of your electrical capacity. Avoid plugging too many lights into too few outlets to ensure a safe and enjoyable Halloween experience.


If you’re gearing up for Halloween decorations this month, these quick tips are your key to a spooktacular, safe, and budget-friendly Halloween celebration!

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