Electrical Safety Tips for Keeping Kids Safe

Kids are naturally energetic and curious, often getting into everything, especially things you don’t want them to. This curiosity can lead to danger, so we must be diligent about electrical safety in our homes.

3 Reasons You Should Hire A Professional To Install Your Dishwasher

Installing a dishwasher might seem straightforward if you’ve never done it before — just attach a couple of hoses and slide it into place, right? It’s never that simple. Never.

How to Clear Your Bathtub Drain

What To Do If a Slow-Moving Drain Is Turning Your Shower into a Bath

Do you find yourself standing in an inch or two of water after you’ve been in the shower for just a few minutes? A slow-moving drain can turn your shower into a bath. Water backing up like this is caused by a clogged drain. That’s the bad news. The good news is that it’s usually easy to fix and something you can do yourself. We’ll give you the steps you need to follow to clear the shower drain.

How Do Backup Generators Work?

With blackouts and energy issues becoming more common worldwide, it’s increasingly important to be prepared for power outages. One effective solution is to use a backup generator.

Ductless HVAC Options

Air conditioning is essential for keeping homes cool during summer and warm during winter. Increasingly, households are turning to ductless HVAC systems because they are more energy-efficient. Here are some of the best HVAC options for homes without ducts.

How to Fix A Leaky Outdoor Faucet

Does anyone have a non-leaky outdoor faucet? It’s a common issue! Many homeowners have accepted that after watering their garden, they must go inside to turn off the water supply to stop the spigot from leaking. While there are several reasons for a leaky outdoor faucet, and you might fix some with the right tools, it’s often a job best left to a Handyside plumber, as we’ll explain. (more…)

Are You Aware Of What Lurks Within Your Walls?

You upgrade your TV from time to time. You upgrade your phone from time to time. You upgrade your car from time to time.

But when was the last time you even looked at the wires inside your walls and considered whether they needed to be upgraded? Just as technology evolves, so too do the electrical systems in our homes. It’s worth taking a moment to ensure they’re keeping pace with the demands of modern living. (more…)

Want To Stay Cool This Summer? Check Out These Quick Tips

When summer days get hotter, air conditioning can be a lifesaver! It feels great to escape the heat and cool down in the comfort of your home. At least, it does until the first skyrocketing energy bill arrives. Then things really heat up! How can you keep your house cool while saving money on the cost of cooling it? We’ve consulted with our energy experts and HVAC technicians and found seven ‘Handy’ tips to help you stay cool and save money on air conditioning. (more…)