Your furnace works hard to keep your home warm. In fact, you might run your furnace more often than your car! Just like your car needs maintenance and care, your furnace deserves the same attention. While a typical furnace can last around 20 years (15 to 30 years depending on the manufacturer), it’s essential to […]

Your furnace works hard to keep your home warm. In fact, you might run your furnace more often than your car! Just like your car needs maintenance and care, your furnace deserves the same attention. While a typical furnace can last around 20 years (15 to 30 years depending on the manufacturer), it’s essential to treat it well to ensure it reaches its full potential. Here are five valuable tips to help your furnace keep your home cozy for as long as possible.

Good Day PA Handyside1. Schedule an Annual Furnace Tune-Up

A proper tune-up will include a comprehensive inspection, thorough cleaning, precise lubrication, and essential adjustments to enhance efficiency. Late summer through early fall presents an ideal window for scheduling a tune-up. If you’re uncertain about the necessity of a tune-up, our Handyside HVAC experts strongly advise annual maintenance.

If you answer ‘yes’ to any of the following questions, it’s an indication that a tune-up should be prioritized:

  • Is your furnace working extra hard to heat your house?
  • Does it seem like the warm air coming through the vents is not all that warm?
  • Is your furnace running loud or making loud noises?
  • Is it old?
  • Does your furnace smell funny, maybe smokey, a burning smell, or the odor of rotten eggs?

(Note: If you smell rotten eggs, you should have your furnace looked at immediately as this may indicate a natural gas leak. If the odor is strong, you should vacate the house immediately and call the gas utility.)

2. Change the Air Filter Regularly

While disposable fiberglass filters typically require replacement every 30 days, it’s advisable to consult both your filter and furnace manual to determine the recommended replacement frequency and the appropriate filter type for your system. Neglecting a dirty filter can force your furnace to work harder, potentially leading to excessive wear and, in severe cases, substantial damage to your furnace.

3. Clean Your Ducts

Ensure your return air vents remain unobstructed and free from dust and debris buildup. Additionally, consider scheduling a periodic cleaning of your ducts by Handyside every few years. This proactive step ensures your HVAC system delivers the cleanest and healthiest air possible.

boost the life of your furnace

4. Upgrade Your Insulation

The better your home is insulated, the less your furnace will need to run to keep your house warm. How’s your attic holding up in terms of insulation? Investing in blown-in attic insulation can yield substantial improvements in your home’s warmth and energy efficiency.


By providing proper care to your furnace, you ensure its longevity in keeping your home warm for years to come. Remember to schedule an annual tune-up with our Handyside HVAC professionals. They are equipped to address any furnace-related concerns you may have, keeping your heating system in optimal condition.

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