Did you know most fires are caused by faulty wiring in homes or businesses? Here are five warning signs that it’s time to have your wiring checked! Flickering Lights When you turn on your dishwasher or microwave, do you often notice the lights in your home flicker or dim? And when those appliances turn off, […]

Did you know most fires are caused by faulty wiring in homes or businesses? Here are five warning signs that it’s time to have your wiring checked!

Flickering Lights

faulty wiring handyside video

When you turn on your dishwasher or microwave, do you often notice the lights in your home flicker or dim? And when those appliances turn off, do the lights brighten or return to normal? This fluctuation could indicate a wiring issue with your lights, but more likely, it means your major appliances are drawing too much power from the circuits they’re connected to. To prevent further complications, you may need a professional to reconfigure your circuits or upgrade your electrical panel.

Funny Smells

We’re not talking about the smell of your smelly dog or the burnt crumbs in your toaster that never gets cleaned. The smells you should really be wary of are burning odors, like melting plastic, coming from your outlets or fixtures. This is not normal, and any consistent smell like this is a strong sign you need to have your wiring inspected. If you occasionally smell burning in your home and can’t identify the source, it could be a problem with your wiring.

Hot to the Touch

While some appliances naturally give off heat, your wall outlets and light switches should not feel hot to the touch. They may feel slightly warm due to electrical current, but they should never be uncomfortable to touch. If they are, especially if you notice scorch marks around the plug, it’s a likely sign that something is seriously wrong. Turn off and unplug the appliance, and call a professional to inspect the issue.

beware of electrical risksBuzzing

Old appliances can make buzzing noises, which often means they’re working hard or nearing the end of their life. However, if you hear buzzing sounds coming from your outlets or light bulbs when you switch them on, this could indicate a more serious issue. Pay close attention when your house is quiet, and if you’re concerned, occasionally put your ear near your power outlets to check for unusual sounds.

Tripping Breaker

If you notice that your breaker frequently trips, like when you turn on your dishwasher and can’t use your microwave or plug in your kettle at certain outlets, you may have an issue with overpowering your circuits. This could lead to more significant damage in your home. If your breaker trips with only low-level power use, it likely indicates a wiring problem that needs attention. Either way, too much power flowing through your circuits is a common cause of household fires, so it’s important to address the issue promptly. Call our Handyside electrical experts to ensure your home is safe!

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